Bot Commands


.ahbot item <item id>: Check the current ahbot configuration for the <item id> specified.

.ahbot item <item id> <item value> <chance> <min amount> <max amount>: Overrides the ahbot configuration for the <item id> specified with the <item value> in copper, <chance> a chance value from 1 to 100, and <min amount> and <max amount> for the amount of items to add.

.ahbot item <item id> reset: Resets the ahbot configuration for the <item id> to the default values.

.bot add <bot name>: Adds the <bot name> into the game. The bot has to be in your account or guild, or you can use it for any bots if you have a GM account.

.bot ammo <bot name>: Gives the relevant ammo for the <bot name>. Useful for hunters.

.bot consumables <bot name>: Gives the relevant consumables for the <bot name>. No need if item cheats is enabled (which it is by default).

.bot enchants <bot name>: Enchants the current <bot name> gear with a relevant enchant to its class and spec.

.bot food <bot name>: Gives the relevant food and drink for the <bot name>. No need if item cheats is enabled (which it is by default).

.bot gear <bot name>: Randomizes the gear of the <bot name>. The max item level allowed will depend on AiPlayerbot.RandomGearMaxLevel in aiplayerbot.conf.

.bot init <bot name>: Make the <bot name> level up to your level, get randomized gear, learn all spells and get all items needed.

.bot learn <bot name>: Make the <bot name> learn all its spells and abilities up to its current level.

.bot pet <bot name>: Makes the <bot name> pet get initialised, which for hunters will tame a pet and train it and for warlocks will train the current active pet.

.bot potions <bot name>: Gives the relevant reagents for the <bot name>. No need if item cheats is enabled (which it is by default).

.bot prepare <bot name>: A shortcut for ammo, food, potions, reagents and consumables.

.bot reagents <bot name>: Gives the relevant consumables for the <bot name>. No need if item cheats is enabled (which it is by default).

.bot remove <bot name>: Removes the <bot name> from the game. The bot has to be in your account or guild, or you can use it for any bots if you have a GM account.

.bot train <bot name>: Makes the <bot name> learn all its possible spells for his class and level.

.bot upgrade <bot name>: Upgrades the current <bot name> gear.

.rndbot reload: Reloads all the configuration and bots while the server is running. Useful to reload changes in aiplayerbot.conf without resetting the server. Must be using a GM account.

.rndbot stats: Shows some generic stats about the bots in the server window, things like bots active, bot amounts, etc…

.rndbot teleport: Force teleports all the bots to random locations in the world based on their levels.


Chat Commands

accept [quest link]: Tell the bot to accept the [quest link] or <quest name> from the selected npc. You can specify * to accept all quests from the npc. (E.g. accept *).

all +<strategy>: Adds the specified <strategy> into all their states (combat, non combat, dead and react).

all -<strategy>: Removes the specified <strategy> from all their states (combat, non combat, dead and react).

all ?:  Lists all the strategies currently enabled for all the states (combat, non combat, dead and react).

attack: Tell a bot to attack your current target.

attack rti: Tell a bot to attack its assigned raid target.

b [item link]: Ask a bot to purchase the specific item from the selected vendor.

bank: Asks a bot to list all its items stored in the bank. Must be near a banker.

bank -[item link]: Asks a bot to take the specified [item link] from the bank. Must be near a banker.

bank [item link]: Asks a bot to deposit the specified [item link] to the bank. Must be near a banker.

boost target +<name1>,+<name2>: Tell a bot to use boost spells to the specified <player name> or list of <player names> separated with a comma (no spaces). Must be in a group with the bot. (Spells like inner focus and innervate)

boost target -<name1>,-<name2>: Tell a bot to remove the previously set boost targets <player name> or list of <player names> separated with a comma (no spaces). Must be in a group with the bot

boost target ?: Queries the current boost targets set up for the bot.

boost target none: Tell a bot to remove their previous boost targets.

buff target +<name1>,+<name2>: Tell a bot to use buff spells to the specified <player name> or list of <player names> separated with a comma (no spaces). Must be in a group with the bot. (Spells like fear ward)

buff target -<name1>,-<name2>: Tell a bot to remove the previously set buff targets <player name> or list of <player names> separated with a comma (no spaces). Must be in a group with the bot

buff target ?: Queries the current buff targets set up for the bot.

buff target none: Tell a bot to remove their previous buff targets.

cast <spell name>: Tell a bot to cast a specific spell, where <spell name> is the exact name of the spell to cast, alternatively you can specify the [spell link]. For spells that require an item as a target you can add the [item link] after the spell name. (E.g. cast [Disenchant] [Item link])

co +<strategy>: Adds the specified <strategy> into their combat state.

co -<strategy>: Removes the specified <strategy> from their combat state.

co ?: Lists all the combat strategies currently enabled.

cs <custom_strategy_name> <index> <trigger_name>><action_name>!<priority>: Tell a bot to create a customised strategy. More info here

dead +<strategy>: Adds the specified <strategy> into their dead state.

dead -<strategy>: Removes the specified <strategy> from their dead state.

dead ?: Lists all the dead strategies currently enabled.

destroy [item link]: Tell a bot to destroy the specified [item link].

do <action>: Tell a bot to do a specific action, where <action> is the exact name of the action to perform. 

drop <quest name>: Ask a bot to drop the specified <quest name> or [quest link].

e [item link]: Tell a bot to equip the specific [item link].

flee: Tell a bot to become passive, which makes him stop attacking and only follow you until said otherwise (like using the follow command).

focus heal +<name1>,+<name2>: Tell a bot to use all their healing spells to target the specified <player name> or list of <player names> separated with a comma (no spaces). Must be in a group with the bot

focus heal -<name1>,-<name2>: Tell a bot to remove the previously set focus heal targets <player name> or list of <player names> separated with a comma (no spaces). Must be in a group with the bot

focus heal ?: Queries the current focus heal targets set up for the bot.

focus heal none: Tell a bot to remove their previous focus heal target.

follow: Tell a bot to change its movement behavior to follow, usually used after telling the bot to stay or guard commands.

follow target <name>: Tell a bot to follow a specific <player name>. Must be in the same group as the player chosen. To remove it, specify “none” as the name.

give leader: Tell a bot to give the group/raid leader privileges to you.

go npc <npc name>: Tell a bot to travel to a specific <npc>. The bot must have travel and rpg strategies disabled and the free strategy enabled before using this command. (E.g. all -travel, all -rpg, free, go npc Anduin).

go zone <location name>: Tell a bot to go to the specific <location>. The bot must have travel and rpg strategies disabled and the free strategy enabled before using this command. (E.g. all -travel, all -rpg, free, go zone Light Chapel). NOTE: Do not use it to travel into an instance as the bot will go to a different instance layer.

guard: Tell a bot to guard the current position, which generally makes them stay near this location but still gives them freedom to move. You can tell him to follow you again by using the follow command.

guild leave: Tell a bot to leave its current guild.

home: Tell a bot to set its home on the selected innkeeper.

items: Tells a bot to list all his current items in his bags. You can filter the list of items by providing extra names separated by a space. E.g. “items cloth” will list all items that contain “cloth” in its name.

join: Tell a bot to join your group. Useful for quick group/raid creation when used in general chat or guild chat. E.g. /1 @60 join.

jump: Tell a bot to jump in place.

jump b: Tell a bot to jump backwards.

jump f: Tell a bot to jump forwards.

jump tome: Tell a bot to jump in your direction.

keep [item link]: Tell a bot to keep the [item link] and not sell it or destroy it until said otherwise (check keep none).

keep ? [item link]: Tell a bot to show the current keep status of the given [item link].

keep equip [item link]: Tell a bot to keep the [item link] equipped at all times until said otherwise (check keep none).

keep greed [item link]: Tell a bot to try to get more of [item link] by rolling greed when it appears until said otherwise (check keep none).

keep need [item link]: Tell a bot to try to get more of [item link] by rolling need when it appears until said otherwise (check keep none).

keep none [item link]: Tell a bot to remove the previous request to keep the [item link].

leave: Tell a bot to leave its current group or raid.

lfg: Say this command on a global channel to generate a quick group/raid party with tanks, healers and dps. For raids, your group must be converted to raid. (E.g. /4 lfg)

loot: Ask a bot to loot the nearest corpse or game object (chests or tradeskill).

los: Ask a bot to list its nearby game objects.

mail ?: Asks a bot to list the pending mail. Must be near a mailbox.

mail delete: Asks the bot to delete all its mail or the specified mail. Must be near a mailbox.

mail read: Asks the bot to read all its mail or the specified mail to the player. Must be near a mailbox.

mail take: Asks a bot to retrieve all its mail or the specified mail. Must be near a mailbox.

nc +<strategy>: Adds the specified <strategy> into their non combat state.

nc -<strategy>: Removes the specified <strategy> from their non combat state.

nc ?: Lists all the non combat strategies currently enabled.

outfit ?: List all the outfits available.

outfit <outfit name> +[item link]: Adds the [item link] to the <outfit name>.

outfit <name> -[item link]: Removes the [item link] from the <outfit name>.

outfit <name> equip: Equips the <outfit name>.

outfit <name> reset: Resets the <outfit name>.

outfit <name> update: Replace the outfit items with the currently equipped items.

pet autocast <spell name>: Asks a bot to toggle the autocast of the specified pet <spell name>.

pet aggressive: Asks a bot to put its pet on aggressive mode.

pet defensive: Asks a bot to put its pet on defensive mode.

pet passive: Asks a bot to put its pet on passive mode. This will prevent the pet from attacking.

pet follow: Asks a bot to command its pet to follow him.

pet stay: Asks a bot to stay in place.

pet attack: Asks a bot to send its pet to attack the current target.

pet dismiss: Asks a bot to dismiss its pet. This will prevent the bot from summoning any pet until the pet call command is sent.

pet call: Asks a bot to summon its pet.

pull: Tell a bot to pull the current target, must have pull strategy enabled.

pull rti: Tell a bot to pull its raid target, must have pull strategy enabled.

q [item link]: Ask a bot about what the bot wants to do with the given [item link].

q [quest link]: Ask a bot about the status of the given [quest link].

quests: Ask a bot about the state of its current quests (briefed).

quests <co/in/all>: Ask a bot about the state of its current quests, co for completed quests, in for uncompleted quests and all for all quests.

r [item link]: Tell a bot to pick the [item link] as a reward from the nearby completed quest.

ra <spell name>: Tell a bot to remove the specified aura <spell name> from its current beneficial buffs.

range <type> <amount>: Change the default range of specific action <types> (spell, shoot, flee, heal, follow, attack) to the given <amount> (value between 1 and 50).

react +<strategy>: Adds the specified <strategy> into their react state.

react -<strategy>: Removes the specified <strategy> from their react state.

react ?: Lists all the react strategies currently enabled.

release: Tell a bot to release spirit (when dead).

repair: Tell a bot to repair its gear. Needs a repair npc nearby.

reset ai: Reset the bot to its default values. NOTE: This will remove all its custom strategies and configurations.

revive: Tell a bot to revive on the nearest spirit healer.

revive target +<name1>,+<name2>: Tell a bot to use revive spells to the specified <player name> or list of <player names> separated with a comma (no spaces). Must be in a group with the bot. (Spells like rebirth and soulstone)

revive target -<name1>,-<name2>: Tell a bot to remove the previously set revive targets <player name> or list of <player names> separated with a comma (no spaces). Must be in a group with the bot

revive target ?: Queries the current revive targets set up for the bot.

revive target none: Tell a bot to remove their previous revive targets.

rti <raid target icon>: Set the <raid target icon> that the bot will focus when attacking. The values can be star, circle, diamond, triangle, square, moon, cross or skull.

rtsc: learns the AEDM spell (for saving locations and manual control)

rtsc cancel: Removes the previous selection with rtsc select.

rtsc go <position name>: Tell a bot to move to the previously saved <position name>

rtsc save <position name>: Saves a rtsc position with the <position name> (will stay saved per bot until unsaved)

rtsc select: Selects all bot(s) for manual movement via AEDM.

rtsc unsave <position name>: Deletes the previously saved <position name> from the bot.

s [item link]: Tell a bot to sell the specified [item link].

sendmail [item link]: Ask a bot to send to you a specific [item link].

share [quest link]: ask a bot to share a specific quest

spells: Tell a bot to list all his current learned spells, including trade skills. You can filter the list by providing extra names separated by a space. E.g. “spells enchant cloak” will list all enchant spells for cloaks.

ss ?: Tell a bot to list the blacklisted spells.

ss <spell name/spell id/item spell id>: Tell a bot to not cast the specified <spell name/spell id> under any circumstances. Can set more than one separated by a comma, without spaces between them. Eg. ss frostbolt,frost nova

ss -<spell name/spell id/item spell id>: Tell a bot to allow casting the specified <spell name/spell id> again. Can set more than one separated by a comma, without spaces between them. Eg. ss -frostbolt,-frost nova

ss reset: Tell a bot to remove all its blacklisted spells.

stats: Ask a bot about its information, things like gold, exp, bag space, repair, etc...

stay: Tell a bot to stay in its current position, you can tell him to follow you again by using the follow command.

summon: Force summons, heals and revives a bot into your current position.

talents: Ask the bot about his current talent build and talent points.

talents list: Ask the bot about all his possible talent builds available.

talents <build name>: Tell the bot to switch its talent to the specified <build name>. You can also specify a custom build from wowheads talent calculator instead. (E.g. talents -05050005505010051-502501105).

talents auto: Tell the bot to use one of the available talent builds based on its current talents.

talk: Tell the bot to talk with the selected npc. If multiple dialogue options you can specify the option by writing the option number after the command. (E.g. talk 2).

trainer: List all the skills that the bot can learn from the selected trainer.

trainer learn: Ask the bot to purchase all the skills from the selected trainer.

u [item link/item id]: Tell a bot to use the specified [item link]. If the item allows targets (like a Scroll) the bot will use the item on your current target. If the item needs another item as a target you can specify the [target item link] at the end. (E.g. u [Sharpening Stone] [Weapon Item])

u [game object link]: Tell a bot to use the specified [game object link]. To see the game objects near the bot use the los command.

u go: Tell a bot to use the nearest game object.

ue [item link]: Tell a bot to unequip the specified [item link].

wait for attack time <seconds>: Tell a bot the amount of seconds to wait before start doing anything at the beginning of a fight. Must have the wait for attack strategy set up.

who: Ask a bot to give a brief information about the bot, things like specs, item level, who is it playing with, etc…


Chat Command Filters

You can use chat channels that have two or more bots to send specific commands based on each bot configuration, instead of whispering them one by one. Here is a list of the usable filters:

@dps: Bots set as a dps role (casters and melee that are not healers or tanks)

@nodps: Bots set as a tank or healer role

@tank: Bots set as tank role

@notank: Bots set as healer or dps role

@heal: Bots set as healer role

@<class>: Bots with the specific <class>. E.g @warrior

@<spec>: Bots with the specific <spec>. E.g. @fury

@group<number>: Bots in the specific group <number>. E.g. @group1. It can also support a range of groups. E.g. @group1-3

@<level>: Bots with the specific <level>. E.g. @1. It can also support a range of levels. E.g. @1-10

@rank=<rank name>: Bots with the specific <rank name> in the guild.

@ranged: Bots with ranged configuration

@melee: Bots with melee configuration

@dead: Bots currently dead

@nodead: Bots currently alive

Check the full list on:

Note: You can combine multiple filters by adding them one after another separated by a space, but keep in mind that there are filters that are not combinable (e.g. @tank and @heal are directly opposite)


A bot strategy is a group of triggers and actions reacting to the event that the bot can have in specific situations. A bot can have many strategies enabled for the following situations:

Non-combat: Any situation where a bot is alive and not actively fighting anything.

Combat: When a bot is actively fighting one or more npcs/players.

Dead: When the bot is currently dead.

Reaction: A situation that can trigger at any time and has priority over the previous situations.

You can add/remove/check the current strategies of a bot by using one of the following commands:

nc + / - / ?: Add / remove / check the current non-combat strategies of the bot. More info here.

co + / - / ? : Add / remove / check the current combat strategies of the bot. More info here.

dead + / - / ? : Add / remove / check the current dead strategies of the bot. More info here.

react + / - / ? : Add / remove / check the current reaction strategies of the bot. More info here.

all + / - / ?: Add / remove / check all the current strategies of the bot. More info here.

Here is the list of the most useful strategies and on which situations they apply:

aoe: (Combat) If a bot should use aoe abilities.

boost: (Combat) If a bot should use boosting abilities during the fight (trinkets, cooldowns, etc.. ) (e.g. a warrior using recklessness)

buff: (Combat and non-combat): If a bot should use buff abilities.

cc: (Combat) If a bot should use crowd control abilities on enemies (e.g. polymorph, fear, etc…)

cure: (Combat and non-combat) If a bot should use dispelling abilities to remove debuffs.

heal: (All) If a bot should behave as a healer. NOTE: Only for classes than can heal (paladin, priest, shaman and druid)

loot: (Non-combat) If a bot should loot corpses/chests/boxes.

offdps: (Combat and non-combat) If a bot should do dps while healing when he is not on dps mode (e.g. a holy priest doing damage)

offheal: (Combat and non-combat) If a bot should heal other party members while doing dps when he is not on healing mode (e.g. a retribution paladin healing)

pull: (Combat) If a bot should try to pull an enemy when using the pull command. NOTE: should be used on classes that can pull from a distance (e.g. warrior with ranged weapon)

pvp: (Combat) If a bot should engage in pvp fights with other players/bots.

tank: (All) If a bot should behave as a tank. NOTE: Only for classes that can tank (warrior, paladin and druid)

wait for attack: (Combat) If a bot should wait at the start of the fight before doing anything. You can specify the amount of seconds to wait with the wait for attack time command.